All Police Science Institute enrolled students who have successfully passed and completed our academically-prescribed Program in Security and Police Science are afforded the honor and privilege of admission to our Registered Security Specialist™ designation.
This important and special professional designation signifies that the graduate surpasses the “norm” in acknowledged dedication to the highest standards and superior excellence in the practice of Security and Police Science. Additionally, this designation declares that the respective student has demonstrated, through both academic excellence as well as being deserving of special trust and confidence, a high level of integrity, diligence and discretion befitting a Police Science Institute Registered Security Specialist™.
The procedural steps and requirements required to enroll in the Registered Security Specialist™ Program are as follows:
Those students having been awarded the Registered Security Specialist™ designation will be afforded further and future benefits, consideration and preferences as are offered by Police Science Institute going forward … not to mention the industry-wide reputation and respect going with this unique “designation of excellence”.
Just one more exciting way for the Police Science Institute graduate … “TO BE THE BEST THAT HE / SHE CAN BE” !!